13,900 cal BP. For the older part of the timescale, IntCal20 comprises statistically integrated evidence from floating tree-ring chronologies, lacustrine and marine sediments, speleothems, and corals. We utilized improved evaluation of the timescales and location variable 14C offsets fro...
对于考古学界而言,最关心的问题莫过于新发布的碳十四校正曲线是否会对已有年代序列造成影响。本文通过定性定量等方法细致对比了北半球新旧两条校正曲线(IntCal20和IntCal13),发现二者主要的区别存在于30000 BP之前和11000-10000 BP这两个大的时间范围内,而对于碳十四数据相对集中的中国新石器和青铜时代之年代框架影响...
在本卷中,国际14北半球和南半球以及海洋表层的 C 校准曲线已更新,以包含大量新数据并扩展到 55,000 cal BP。基于树木年轮,IntCal20 现在作为一个完整的大气记录扩展到 ca。13,900 大卡 BP。对于时间尺度的较早部分,IntCal20 包含来自浮动树木年轮年表、湖泊和海洋沉积物、洞穴和珊瑚的统计综合证据。我们利用...
夏家店下层文化的绝对年代 | 20世纪90年代以来碳十四测年经历了“AMS革命”,精度得到很大提高,再加上贝叶斯统计模型在考古测年研究中的逐渐推广和IntCal20校准曲线的公布,很多已有的测年结果也需要重新进行审视。夏家店下层文化是辽西地区青铜时代早期的一支考古学文化,年代范围传统上认为是公元前2000-前1400年。但是...
20 Cal. W. Int'l L.J. 7 (1989-1990) 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 作者: CDR Rodriguez 摘要: Lic. Carlos del Ri'o Rodriguez* THE SPANISH TRADITION AND THE AMERICANINFLUENCE ON MEXICO Historically Mexico practiced a mixture of the Spanish"audiencia" and Supreme Tribunal, ...
include <stdio.h>char *cal(char arr[][20],int day){ int i=(day-1+2-1)%7; //day-1表示距离1号的天数差,2-1是指1号的周二在数组中的下标 %7是得到相应的下标值 return arr[i];}int main(){ char xq[7][20]={"Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","...
IntCalprecisionreplicationWe undertook a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of Northern Hemisphere tree-ring datasets included in IntCal20 in order to evaluate their strategic fit with the demands of archaeological users. Case studies on wiggle-matching single tree rings...
Here we will show that such information largely supports the new IntCal20 calibration record. Furthermore, we discuss how floating tree-ring sequences on ice-core time scales agree with the new calibration curve. For the period around 40,000 years ago we discuss unresolved differences between ...