Intarsia is a knitting technique that produces blocks of color by using separate balls of yarn. Knit and crochet expert Edie Eckman demonstrates this method of colorwork and gives helpful tips on how to read an intarsia chart, avoid creating holes, weave
warp knitting machine 经编机,经编机 相似单词 knitting machine 编织机 intarsia n. 木造镶嵌细工 knitting n. [U] 1.编织品;编织物;编织法 2.编织,针织 bone knitting 接骨 machine n. [C] 1.机器;机械 2.计算机 3.汽车;自行车;飞机;操纵组织的核心集团 5.机器人似地工作的人;没有...
Intarsia knitting is a knitting technique that uses multiple colors of yarn to create knitted pictures or multicolored patterns. Along with Fair Isle knitting, it is one of the most common multicolorknitting techniques. Intarsia knitting projects are usually knit flat on two needles, using a ...
区别于Fair Isle(费尔岛提花)的双面浮线结构和stranded knitting(绞花编织)的横向换线方式,intarsia通过完全独立的色块单元实现无衬底图案。在耗线量方面,intarsia比提花工艺节省约30%纱线,但时间成本增加50%以上。市场应用中,高端品牌偏好intarsia的精工质感,快时尚领域更多采用效率更高的数码印花替...
4) jacquard circle knitting machine 提花针织圆机5) electronic jacquard knitting machine 电子提花针织机6) plaid stripe knitter 格子条花针织机补充资料:长毛绒针织机 织制长毛绒组织针织物的机器,也称人造毛皮针织机。有毛条喂入式和毛纱喂入式两类。单针筒舌针长毛绒圆纬机上用毛条喂入。在机器的每一...
intarsia knitting machine 嵌花针织机相关短语 front snap guard (织机的) 前闸轨 top rail (织机的) 上横梁 nesting (嵌置) 套用 front cross rail (织机) 前横梁 front center (织机曲拐位置) 前心 lower harness thread (织机的) 下垂综 counter measure machine(纺织机器的) 运转计时机 inserted trick (...
嵌花织物 intarsia pattern 嵌花花纹 intarsia pattern 嵌花花纹/镶嵌花纹 intarsia sweater 嵌花羊毛衫,嵌花毛衣 intarsia knit fabric 无虚线提花针织物,嵌花针织物 plated knit intarsia 添纱镶接 intarsia knitting machine 嵌花针织机 intarsia flat knitting machine ...
A this knitting technique, yarn ball of a plurality of use in order to solve the yarn also involved become unstable problems as the knitted fabric moves, gave a thread out possible fastener as compact ones with lightly to fix the thread by putting the thread into a bag net. And knitting ...
knitting machine 编织机 intarsia n. 木造镶嵌细工 knitting n. [U] 1.编织品;编织物;编织法 2.编织,针织 flat adj. 1. 平的,平坦的 2.(容器等)浅的 3. 平伏的,平卧的 4.(轮胎),泄了气的 5.(啤酒等)走了气的;走了味的 6. 单调的,无聊的 7.(拒绝等)断然的 8.【 bone knitting 接...
Intarsia is a knitting technique used to create motifs with multiple colors. Unlike other multicolor techniques (including Fair Isle, and double knitting), there is only one “active” color on any given stitch, and yarn is not carried across the back of the work; when a color changes on ...