The instructions below show the intarsia method used with afghan stitch but you shouldn’t have any problems applying it to others. All you have to do is twist the yarns whenever you change colours. First of all, choose a chart for your crochet. I have used a simple 7 stitch by 7 row...
Intarsia is a knitting technique that produces blocks of color by using separate balls of yarn. Knit and crochet expert Edie Eckman demonstrates this method of colorwork and gives helpful tips on how to read an intarsia chart, avoid creating holes, weave
Crochet Dishcloth Tutorials(2) Designer Interviews(78) Dyeing(11) Fair Isle Knitting(6) Felting(6) Finishing(41) Getting Started(33) Casting On(13) Gauge(3) Needles(9) Yarn Selection(8) Go Your Own Way Socks Toe Up(8) Go Your Own Way Socks Top Down(9) ...
In a method for knitting Intarsia patterns on flat-bed knitting machines, by simple handling fault-free patterned knits are produced by fixing the Intarsia thread knitting in the Intarsia region (I) at the start and at the end of the Intarsia region (I) by means of a stitch. Fixing is ...