Google Share on Facebook intangible tax Intangible Tax A tax imposed on anintangible asset. For example, an intangible tax may beleviedon abrandor astock. Intangible taxes can be difficult to assess because of the difficulties inherent invaluingintangible assets. In the United States, intangible ...
Reports that higher exemptions for payers of intangibles tax went to effect in Florida beginning January 1, 2004. Inclusion of stocks and bonds in the covered assets; Projected budget surplus in the state; Reliance on sales and use taxes in the absence of incom...
INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES ON MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT IN OTHER STATES Good intentions, but unintended consequences: expanding Virginia's manufacturing tax exemption A new Florida domiciliary should consult a local accountant or attorney to determine the liability for and possible legal avoidance of ...
Readers with questions about estate planning, taxes andinvesting were able to find help when a group of volunteers fromthe Jacksonville chapter of the Chartered Life Underwriters andChartered Financial Consultants spent a recent Saturday morningat the Times-Union answering their phoned-in queries.Here ...
Intangible Tax Ataximposedon anintangible asset.Forexample,anintangibletaxmaybeleviedon abrandor astock.Intangibletaxescanbedifficulttoassessbecauseofthedifficultiesinherentinvaluingintangibleassets.IntheUnitedStates,intangibletaxesareimposedatthestateandlocallevels....