A phase II study of 13-cis retinoic acid plus interferon alpha-2a in advanced stage penile carcinoma: an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group study (E3893). Cancer Invest 2003;21(1):41-6.Skeel, R.T., Huang, J., Manola, J., Wilding, G., Dreicer, R., Walker, P., Muggia, F.,...
However, the actual outcomes of these policies have been less than ideal. Taking China and India as examples, China has promoted GM insect-resistant cotton since 1997,Citation14and by 2022, insect-resistant cotton accounted for 95% of China’s total cotton cultivation area, substantially increasing...
Potential patients were identified from records from the Acute Pain Service, pharmacy database, the Oncology patient lists, and an electronic medical record (EMR) data query. For each patient, demographic data were collected including age, gender, weight, height, race/ethnicity, and comorbid conditi...
(2006). Condensation Particle Counter R —Model 3775: Op- eration and Service Manual. Revision C. US–EPA 40 CFR Protection of Environment Part 50–51 1997. Volckens, J., and Peters, T. M. (2005). Counting and Particle Transmission Efficiency of the Aerodynamic Particle Sizer, J. ...
Beltsville (MD): Food Surveys Research Group, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Agricultural Research Service. US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2005. Guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment. EPA/630/P- 03/001F. Washington (DC): USEPA. World Health Organization/International ...