Google Share on Facebook INTACT Dictionary Thesaurus Acronyms Wikipedia Cardiology A clinical trial–International Nifedipine Trial on Antiatherosclerotic Therapy Study–that evaluated the effect of antihypertensive therapy with nifedipine, a CCB, in preventing heart disease. SeeCalcium channel blocker,Coronary...
IRMA (whole PTH) is a more useful assay for the effect of PTH on bone than the Allegro intact PTH assay in CAPD patients with low bone turnover marker. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003, 18(Suppl 3): iii97–8.Tanno Y, Yokoyama K, Nakayama M, Katoh A, Yamamoto H, Iwasaki Y, Cantor T...
PTH levels currently are evaluated routinely by intact PTH assay, which may detect inactive 7-84 PTH fragments as well as 1-84 PTH. We examined the efficacy of whole PTH assay, which detects 1-84 PTH exclusively, in 99 nondiabetic patients on maintenance dialysis for more than 10 years, ...
目的:探讨血液灌流加血液透析对慢性肾衰患者血清中多胎类毒素:β2微球蛋白(β2-MG)、全段甲状旁腺素(iPTH)的清除作用,并与单纯血液透析清除β2-MGi、PTH的效果比较。 5) the whole sections steel mould car 全段面钢模台车 6) Intact parathyroid hormone ...
Decline of intact PTH was slower in patients with secondary HPT than in patients with primary HPT; however, there was no significant difference in the decline of whole PTH between the 2 groups. The quick intact PTH assay is not used frequently during surgery in patients with secondary HPT; ...
Intact whole grains vs. whole grain flour We aimed to evaluate whether PTH fragments interfere with 2 commonly used US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved second-generation clinical immunoassays: the Roche Elecsys/Cobase601 and the Beckman Access DxI 800 intact PTH assays. Mass spectrometric...
Such antibodies further possess a high degree of species cross-reactivity, but substantially mitigated cross-reactivity to non-whole PTH peptide fragments and little to no recognition of the first amino acid residue of PTH.图片(4)权利要求 1. A method for producing an isolated antibody having an ...
We chose to assay serum because it yielded higher PTH results than EDTA plasma or whole blood in our method. The PTH beads from the kit were placed in a 20-place wide-well plate. The kit calibrators, controls, and both of the patient's specimens (preand postexcision) were all set up...
17. Whole PTH was measured with a third-generation PTH assay (immunoradiometric assay; reference, 9–39 pg/mL) at 13 of the 86 facilities, and were converted to intact-PTH values using the following equation: intact PTH (pg/mL) = 1.7 × whole PTH (pg/mL)18,19. The outcome ...
Abstract. Background/Aims: The aim was to evaluate the acute effects of intravenous 1α(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 on (1) plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH) and