为配合新加坡的创业环境,INTA 2023年会主题为创新业务(The Business of Innovation),其中知识产权和创新主题涉及30多场论坛,100多名发言者代表了超过25个国家和地区、学术和政府机构,包括知识产权局和法院,以及诸多的国际品牌,如:亚马逊、蚂蚁集团、宝格丽、可...
国际商标协会INTA年会 INTA 2023 Annual Meeting Live+ 展会时间:2023年5月16-20日 展会地点:新加坡金沙会展中心 展会周期:每年一次 一、展会概况 国际商标协会(International Trademark Association, 以下简称 INTA)是一个由全球品牌所有人和商标专业机构组成的非盈利性国际组织,致力于支持商标和有关之产权的发展,保护...
INTA第145届年会(2023 Annual Meeting Live+)将于今年5月16-20日在新加坡举办。作为影响深远的全球性知识产权大会,这是INTA年会第二次在亚洲,也是第一次在东南亚国家举办。中国知识产权杂志有幸邀请到INTA首席执行官Etienne Sanz de Acedo分享了关于此次盛会精彩看点,如何高效参会和对近期知识产权发展的真知灼见。以下...
INTA ANNUAL MEETING LIVE+ 2023年5月16-20日 金沙会展中心,10 Bayfront Avenue | 018956, 新加坡 Badge Collection & Onsite Registration| 胸牌领取时间 您将在5月14日(星期日)收到来自 的包含二维码的电子邮件。请保存或...
Members from Marks & Clerk's UK, European, Canadian, Greater China and Asia Pacific teams will be attending the INTA 2024 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA from 18-22 May. The event brings together the most influential brand professionals from across industries, over cutting edge legal and busines...
Danny Marti, Head of Head of Public Affairs and Global Policy at Tencent, at INTA’s 2023 Annual Meeting Live+ Opening Ceremony. The recently concluded International Trademark Association’s (INTA) 2023 Annual Meeting Live+ saw key partner Tencent participate in a series of intellectual property-...
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia,May 24, 2023/PRNewswire/ -- GVCO IP Sdn Bhd (a fully owned subsidiary of Wezmart International Berhad) premiers BPO360, a first of its kind software inSoutheast Asiawhich aims to improve professionals' work and lives in the region, at the INTA Annual Meeting 2023 ...
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia,May 24, 2023/PRNewswire/ -- GVCO IP Sdn Bhd (a fully owned subsidiary of Wezmart International Berhad) premiers BPOSA260, a first of its kind software inSoutheast Asiawhich aims to improve professionals' work and lives in the region, at the INTA Annual Meeting 2023...
塑造IP行业未来:选择INTA年会的赞助,投资IP行业的未来,发挥IP资产的价值,解锁财富新密码。 赞助总策划Lyonel Yu将协助打造您的专属方案,欢迎电话预约:( 敬请点击“阅读原文”,提前锁定...
senior partner of Beijing Unitalen Attorney at Law, and over 150 industry authorities from enterprises and intellectual property firms were specially invited to attend. Guests gathered together to share the joy of welcoming the INTA 2023 annual meeting and the hot topics related to intellectual propert...