int month; char ch; while(1) { printf(“\n please input month(1-12):”); scanf(“%d”,&month); switch(___) { case1:printf(“January\n”);break; case2:printf(“February\n”);break; case3:printf(“March\n”);break; case4:printf... n = int(input("请输入月份(1~12): ")) if 1 <= n <=3: print("春季") elif 4 <= n <= 6: print("夏季") elif 7 <= n <= 9: print("秋季") elif 10 <= n <= 12: print("冬季") else: print("你输入有错") if 语句嵌套 # 此示例示意if语句的嵌套 n = int(inp...
month=int(input("请输入月份:")) if ___: #判断是不是闰年,闰年2月份多一天 leap=True else: leap=False if month in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12): days=31 elif month in (4,6,9,11): days=31 elif month==2: if ___: #leap为true
month = int(input('month:')) day = int(input('day:')) months = [0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334] if 0 <= month <= 12:#判断输入的月份 sum = months[month - 1] else: print('data error') sum += day
void main(){ int day,month,year,sum,leap;printf("please input year,month,day\n");scanf("%d,%d,%d",&year,&month,&day);switch(month)/*先计算某月以前月份的总天数*/ { case 1:sum=0;break;case 2:sum=31;break;case 3:sum=59;break;case 4:sum=90;break;case 5:sum=120;...
year = int(raw_input(’year:\n')) month = int(raw_input('month:\n')) day = int(raw_input('day:\n')) months = (0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334) if 0 <= month <= 12: sum = months[month — 1] else: ...
// 1. 导入必要的Java包importjava.util.HashMap;importjava.util.Map;// 2. 创建一个转换月份的类publicclassMonthConverter{// 3. 创建方法将月份转换为整数publicstaticintconvertMonthToInt(Stringmonth){// 创建一个 HashMap 存储月份的英文名与其整数值的映射关系Map<String,Integer>monthMap=newHashMap<>...
int month; int day printf ("please input the month number: scanf ("d", &month) switch (month) case 3 case 5: case 7 case B case 10 case 12: day=31; break case 4 Case 6: case 11: day=30; break case 2: day=29: break; default: day=-1; if (day---1)printf ("invalid ...
Returns the day-of-week in month adjuster, which returns a new date with the ordinal day-of-week based on the month. This is used for expressions like the 'second Tuesday in March'. The ISO calendar system behaves as follows:<br> The input 2011-12-15 for (1,TUESDAY) will return 201...
1. 索引 正向索引 print(service[0]) 1. 反向索引 print(service[-1]) 1. 索引的练习 例一: 根据用于指定月份,打印该月份所属的季节。 提示: 3,4,5 春季 6,7,8 夏季 9,10,11 秋季 12, 1, 2 冬季 month = int(input('Month:'))