External iliac arteryIV Drug abuseInfected femoral artery pseudo-aneurysmsMycotic aneurysmIntroduction: "Mycotic aneurysms are defined as a localized, irreversible dilation of an artery due to destruction of the vessel wall by infection." Intravenous (IV) drug abuse is an...
Treating patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm with endovascular repair and the crossover chimney technique in the internal iliac artery to protect the unilateral internal iliac artery. November 15, 2015 [MEDLINE Abstract] Malignant infiltrating intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm with internal fistula:...
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Advances in endovascular repair of aneurysms involving the common iliac artery using branched technology: Early outcomes of internal Iliac preservationS.C.V., ParavastuF., SerracinoInglott
Failure of degradable starch microspheres, infused by the common iliac artery, to increase the 5-fluorouracil incorporation into RNA of a rat tumor transplanted into the hind limbEl Hag, I AStenram, UChristensson, P.IErichsen, CJonsson, P.E...