Public Enterpriseis a double blind peer-reviewed journal (ISSN 0351-3564), (DOI:10.21571/pehyj) published by International Center for Promotion of Enterprises that aims to disseminate high quality scholarly research and add to the pool of knowledge on the subject of public enterprise by publishing...
Corr, P. Chabert, "Double layer formation in the expanding region of an inductively coupled electronegative plasma", Applied Physics Lett, v86, 091501, (2005) 5 N. Plihon, C. Corr, P. Chabert, "Periodic formation and propagation of double layers in the expanding chamber of an inductive ...
For double launches, the upper satellite is installed on the SYLDA (Système de Lancement Double Ariane). The EPC central stage The EPC central stage (Etage Principal Cryotechnique) is 31 metres long and has a diameter of 5.4 metres. It weighs 188 tons, 173 tons of which is propellant (...
The biomass index for Greenland halibut increased slowly but more or less continuously during the 1990s (Fig. 5). Thereafter, the biomass estimates for juvenile Greenland halibut doubled within three years and remained on a...
1. Le fonds d'affectation spéciale s'est avéré un outil efficace dans le cadre du Partenariat pour la paix (PPP). La politique générale applicable aux fonds d'affectation a un double objet : aider les pays du PPP à détruire leurs stocks de mines terrestres antipersonnel, leurs munitio...
Now by combining observations by Herschel of the OH 119 um doublet line and by Suzaku in X-rays in the same galaxy, IRAS F11119+3257, it has been shown that the small-scale fast SMBH accretion winds can drive the large scale molecular outflows in this z=0.189 ULIRG. This result has...
According to the FAO, the proportion of human-induced food emergencies has more than doubled over the last 14 years.(6) But what humans have broken, humans can mend. Oxfam firmly believes that the hunger and starvation seen in much of Africa in this first decade of the 21st century are ...
A double-sided A4 summary sheet, or flyer, of the Gaia mission can be downloaded inpdfformat. It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Gaia mission posters The Gaia Project Scientist's Support Team have produced posters covering different aspects of the mission...
It took 18 years to reach 250,000 applications but only 4 years to double that figure, and another 4 to double again. Global trends indicate a steadier rate of growth for the forthcoming period. The very first PCT application to be published was filed on June 1, 1978 by U.S. resident...
Such a time limit has a double advantage. First, it makes sure that the applicant will receive the international preliminary examination report at about two months before the expiration of the proposed time limit of 30 months for the entry into the national phase (see Chapter 32-33, below)....