Deductibles work differently for various types of insurance policies. If you have a $500 deductible with your auto insurance, it's easy to figure out what you'll pay if something happens that's covered by the policy: $500. After that, your insurance company picks up the tab. But it's ...
英语ss-a2l37insurance购买保险deductible自付额 上传人:麻*** IP属地:四川上传时间:2023-03-09格式:DOCX页数:4大小:87.48KB积分:6版权申诉 全文预览已结束 下载本文档 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领...
the costs that you might otherwise have to pay to use your benefitsorinsurance(forexample,thedeductibleorco-pay). 校区可以使用其 IDEA B 部分的资金支付您为使用福利或保险本来可能需要支付的费 用(如:垫底费用或共同支付费用)。
Health insurance helps covers routine and emergency medical care costs, often with the option to add vision and dental services separately. In addition to an annual deductible, you may also paycopays and coinsurance, which are your fixed payments or percentage of a covered medical benefit after me...
A cheaper policy may save you money but have a high deductible, or the provider may have a reputation for poor customer service. If you want to file claims easily and get quick responses, you may want to pay a bit more. How risky are you to the insurance company? With some types of...
Pet Insurance Deductible Versus Copay and Reimbursement Rates After you pay your deductible, the insurance company will pay a certain reimbursement percentage (up to 90%) of eligible expenses. For instance, if your pet has an injury that requires a $3,000 surgical procedure and you have acciden...
英语ss-a2l37insurance购买保险deductible自付额.pdf,Insurance 1. Words storm insurer 人 applicant 投保人 insured amount 金额 condition 条件 travel insurance 旅行 risk 风险 exemption 免除 fine print 细则 pay out insurance 付清 费 insurant/the insured 被人
Glass coverage:If you've elected to have coverage on your car's glass, it could help to pay for a cracked windshield. You may be required to pay a deductible if you need a repair, though there may be no deductible. Collision coverage:This coverage can pay for damage from colliding with...