NAIC Number Lookup Tools:There are online tools available that allow you to search for NAIC numbers by the name or location of an insurance company. These tools can be useful if you don’t have access to other sources or prefer a quick and convenient way to find the NAIC number you are ...
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) andThe Center for Insurance and Policy Research(CIS) A. M. Best Company Standard and Poor'sRating Services Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance company lookup Checking financial stability is useful because catastrophic losses can place ...
State Farm had fewer than the expected number of home insurance complaints to state regulators relative to its size, according to three years’ worth of data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. (NAIC home insurance complaints cover other home policy types, including mobile home...
Arizona law does not require you to buy a home insurance policy. But, if you mortgage a home, the lender probably will require you to carry a homeowners policy as a condition of the loan. Lenders often require borrowers to buy home insurance to protect their investment. ...