doi:10.1007/s00264-007-0412-zInsurance lawNo abstract is available for this item.John BirdsInt OrthopInsurance Law in the United Kingdom. John Birds. . 2014BIRDS, J., Insurance Law in the United Kingdom, Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands, 2010....
Stay connected with the company that’s connecting the dots with what’s happening in the industry and around the world 11 November 2024Insights Pay Trends Autumn 2024: What You Need to Know Learn More 24 May 2024Insights Hacker or Helper? The Role of AI in Cybersecurity ...
All driving instructors in the UK are required to have driving instructor insurance by law. If you are a driving school teacher, you need a completely different type of cover to other road users. As well as the standard types of cover such as social, domestic and personal use, driving inst...
There are a number of laws imposing a duty to take out compulsory liability in-surance. For a non-exhaustive list, please see Annex: Rules on Compulsory Li-ability Insurance in the United Kingdom (at the end of this book). None of the statutes say anything about liability. They are all...
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides valuable practical insight into both public supervisory legislation concerning insurance and private insurance contract law in the United Kingdom . An informative general introduction surveying the legal, political,...
of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose that the Company to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America....
Lloyd's Insurance Law Reporter on i-law LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE EUROPE SE AND OTHERS V BATH RACECOURSE CO LTD The Starboard claimants were 21 companies, each of which owned or operated a separate hotel. They we... ...
1.Sets out the factual background and the commercial rationale to insure the risk; 2.Analyses the applicable law and/or regulation; 3.Analyses and quantifies the loss that may be suffered should the risk crystallise: and 4.Provides a conclusion as to the likelihood of the risk crystallising...
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With backgrounds in either corporate M&A law* or investment banking, and combined transactional experience of more than 25 years, the Howden M&A APAC team is well positioned to advise on some of the most complex transactions undertaken in APAC, accessing international insurance markets and offering ...