An Ocean Marine coverage meaning a partial loss which has resulted from the voluntary and deliberate sacrifice of some cargo for the benefit of all concerned, and which must be shared by all parties (owners of ship, cargo and freight) in proportion to their interest. For example, if 100 con...
In the insurance industry, the ambiguity principle is a rule that protects the insured from obscurity and inexactness that might be contained in an insurance policy or contract. This principle maintains that if an insurance has no clear terms or open to more than one interpretation, the meaning ...
拒绝收货)Part1.PerilsandLossesinOceanTransportation Oceanaverage海损 Whenusedforinsurance,theword‘average’hasnottheusualmeaning.Averagemeanslosssustainedinseatransportation.Accordingtotheextentoftheloss,itisdividedintototallossandpartialloss.(1)Totalloss全损Totallossmeansallthegoodsinsuredsufferedloss.
Also, just because an insurance policy is termed “all risks” does not mean that it covers "all risks" since the exclusions reduce the level of coverage that is offered. Make sure you look for the exclusions in any prospective policy. What Is the Meaning of All Risk? All risk is a ty...
A process J is termed a step process if its paths are right-continuous with left limit (RCLL) step functions, displaying a finite number of jumps within any finite time interval. The F -adapted step process J with J 0 = 0 can be expressed as follows: J t = ∑ n = 1 ℓ x a...
members. The insurer promises the insured to pay a sum of money in exchange for premiums. This amount is paid at a defined time mentioned in the policy document or upon the policyholder's death. The financial protection under life insurance is provided as life cover, also termed as sum ...
Free Essay: By the year 2000 forty-eight million people did not have health insurance coverage despite Medicare and Medicaid. There are differences of...
However, it is unclear how hospitals recognized for high-quality cardiovascular care by American Heart Association (AHA) and American College of Cardiology (ACC) national quality improvement initiatives (termed award hospitals) have performed under value-based programs. Objective To determine if hospitals...
Such plans which were introduced before the passage of ACA are termed grandfathered plans. A grandfathered plan is free from the obligations of the ACA and does not need to follow all its regulations. You may be responsible for some preventive care costs if your employer has a grandfathered ...
houseagainstfire. Youcaninsureyourcaragainstaccident/theft. noseagainstharm. lifeinsurance. healthinsurance. Youcaneffectaendowmentinsurance.养老保险 accidentinsurance. burglaryandrobberyinsurance. 峡陕瘛桨杭跎瘥泄铸摊吹晗嗔淹杀题翰醮赵柁求圭咽街岑酒企脯蓬检饽隰肺山卢堪亦讴 风险:risks,perils totallo...