General liability insurance provides a blanket of both protection and comfort for an association, decreasing risk within your association or non-profit. Make sure to protect your association or nonprofit and its members by acquiring general liability insurance. Enhanced Protection with E&O Insurance ...
LexisNexis Legal & Professional is a global provider of content and technology solutions that enable professionals in legal, corporate, tax, academic and non-profit organizations to make informed decisions and achieve better business...
Bringing cost-cutting insurance coverage to your nonprofit, because your mission shouldn't stop with the unexpected. This is Non-Profit Insurance Services.
We know Property & Casualty Insurance for nonprofits, social service organizations, religious institutions, and for-profit firms Charity First began in 1985 as a program manager and wholesaler, offering retail insurance customers with markets and products to meet the unique needs of the nonprofit commu...
Find the most affordable insurance for non-profit organizations and social services. Our Pay As You Go workers' comp programs improves orgaizational cash flow. Get better quotes today.
in the U.K. insurance sector, focusing on cyber risk underwriters. This paper provides an evaluation of these arrangements. It first provides a descriptive overview of the key U.K. regulatory authorities and the evolution of their efforts over the past decade, as well as the scope for ...
Affinity Nonprofits offers insurance for nonprofit organizations. Our non-profit insurance protects over 65,000 clients—so they can focus on making a difference.
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Our governmental and non-profit specialists are prepared to be leaders in a smarter conversation about the root problems challenging this sector.
Customize coverage with ourexclusive captive programs and alternative risk strategies. Our specialists prioritize long-term stability for risks in the human service and non-profit industry. Meet Ashley, a human service industry specialist. Ashley Savage ...