TypesofInsurance: Automobile Health Life Disability Homeowner’s/Renter’s 1.AutomobileInsurance Purposeofautoinsuranceis tohelpindividualslimittheirfinancial losseswhenanautoaccidentoccurs. InsuranceEducationFoundation(IEF) statesthereis70%chanceapersonwill ...
金融专业Part FOURInsurance英语一零一一To Understand InsuranceTypes of InsuranceContentsTypes of Insurance一一ChapterStudents will be
Across the industry and types of insurance, it appears that just over 60% of claims have been closed, with nearly 70% of residential property claims closed to date. Missouri Regulators: At Least $139M in Insured Losses From May Tornadoes MFE Insurance offers several types of insurance policies...
What types of insurance are there? You could argue there are two types of insurance: the types that are nice to have and the types you absolutely must have. Mandatory types include auto insurance, if you own a car, and mortgage insurance, if you bought a home with a smaller down payment...
·承保范围theextent of cover[ik'stent] ·爆发战争the outbreak of war 四、保险种类(Types of Insurance) (一)公共责任保险(PublicLiability Insurance) ·be held liable for sth.对某事负有责任 be (legally) liable to do sth.(在法律上)有责任做某事 ·damagesawardedagainstthe insured 判决由被保险人承...
With various types of insurance available, we can almost always find a coverage that suits any specific needs. From life insurance to property insurance, each type serves a unique purpose, providing a safety net and giving us a level of peace of mind. ...
1)type of insurance保险类型 英文短句/例句 1.The social insurance funds shall determine its sources according to the type of insurance and gradually be put under the unified arrangements by the society.社会保险基金按照保险类型确定资金来源,逐步实行社会统筹。 2.The Risk Model for Double-Insurance wit...
Sometimes, your state or lender may require you to carry insurance. Although there are many insurance policy types, some of the most common are life, health, homeowners, and auto. The right type of insurance for you will depend on your goals and financial situation....
2Eachoftheseeventsresultedinseriouslosstomany people.Someofthelosswasproperty,andcouldbepartlyreplaced.Otherevents,however,causedseriousinjury–evenlossoflife–topeople.Noamountofmoneycanbringthosepeoplebacktolife,butinsurancecanhelprelievesomeofthefinancialstrainontheirsurvivors.Text Unit14Insurance 3Insuranceisa...
Most experts agree that life, health, long-term disability, and auto insurance are the four types of insurance you must have. Employer coverage is often the best option, but if that is unavailable, obtain quotes from several providers as many provide discounts if you purchase more than one ty...