Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd. and PIMCO Investment Management Co. announced the formation of Pando Re Ltd., a Bermuda-domiciled collateralized re/insurer focused on casualty business. Under a long-term agreement, Aspen will be the sole cedent to Pando Re and PIMCO will … ...
Executive Summary: When Mark Cloutier took the helm of Aspen to return the company to profitability, he knew a vital first step would begin with its group of talented people. There were cultural challenges that needed addressing along with the … Markets/Coverages: Digital Lloyd’s Syndicate Ki...
State and federal government agencies in the United States, for instance, have come to play a much more important role in disaster financing than they had previously, substituting market solutions for taxpayer-supported postdisaster relief programs. ...
Today, full-service gas stations have largely gone the way of drive-in movie theatres and travel agents: While they're not entirely gone, pumping your own gas is certainly a more common practice. The slowdeath of full-service gas stationsbegan in 1947 when Los Angeles gas station operator F...
David Altmaier has moved from overseeing regulation of insurance companies to overseeing operations for one – the Bermuda-based reinsurer Aspen Insurance Holdings. Aspen announced Wednesday that Altmaier, who was Florida insurance commissioner for six years until he stepped down in … ...
SIAA Adds Nine in West Bell-Anderson in Pacific Northwest Names Tanta CFO Marijuana Training Proposal Faces Colorado House Test Woman Sues Couple, Aspen Skiing Co. Over Dog Bite After 21 Years in Prison, Freed Inmate Sues San Francisco
announced that its reinsurance segment, Aspen Re, has appointed Philip Hough as managing director, Asia Pacific. Hough will be based in Singapore and will report to Aspen Re Chief Executive Officer Thomas Lillelund. Hough joined Aspen … JLT Re Appoints Garnett as Managing Director, Malaysia ...