Insulin-Like Peptide 5 (INSL5)G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) continue to be important discovery targets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Many GPCRs are directly involved in the development of insulin resistance and 尾-cell dysfunction, and in the etiology of ...
Insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5) is a two-chain, three-disulfide bonded member of insulin/relaxin superfamily of peptides that includes insulin, insulin-like growth factor I and II (IGFI and IGFII), insulin-like peptide 3, 4, 5 and 6 (INSL3, 4, 5 and 6), relaxin-1 (H1 relaxin),...
Insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5) is a member of insulin/relaxin superfamily of peptides. It has recently been identified as the cognate ligand for the G-protein-coupled receptor, RXFP4. Although the complete physiological role of this naturally occurring peptide is still under investigation, there...
The relaxin family peptides play a variety of biological functions by activating four G protein-coupled receptors, RXFP1–4. Among them, insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5) and relaxin-3 share the highest sequence homology, but they have distinct receptor preference: INSL5 can activate RXFP4 only,...
Key words: Insects Insulin-like peptides Insulin signaling pathway Regulation of multipul processes 胰岛素自 1922 年被发现以来,被认为是血糖 水平的主要调控因子.鱼类,哺乳类等脊椎动物中, 胰岛素结构和功能保守.无脊椎动物,如线虫,软体动物和昆虫中, 存在与脊椎动物胰岛素序列相似的蛋白, 通常命名为胰岛素样...
Insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5) is a two-chain, three-disulfide-bonded peptide of the insulin/relaxin superfamily, uniquely expressed in enteroendocrine L-cells of the colon. It is the cognate ligand of relaxin family peptide RXFP4 receptor that is mainly expressed in the colorectum and enteric...
Insulin-like peptide 5 is an orexigenic gastrointestinal hormone The gut endocrine system is emerging as a central player in the control of appetite and glucose homeostasis, and as a rich source of peptides with therapeu... J Grosse,H Heffron,K Burling,... - 《Proceedings of the National ...
Insulin family peptides are known to be key regulators of growth and metabolism in insects and vertebrates. Insects have two types of insulin family peptides: insulin-like peptides and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-like peptides (IGFLPs). We recently
胰岛素样蛋白(Insulin-like/relatedpeptides,ILPs)是无脊椎动物中胰岛素的同源基因。以昆虫为例,概述了ILPs的结构、表达以及相关通路特别是胰岛素信号通路(Insulinsignalingpathway),并总结了其在调控机体生长、发育、新陈代谢、繁殖和免疫等生命过程中的作用。 References [1] Nagasawa H, Kataoka H, Isogai A, et ...
et al. Insulin resistance, estimated by serum c-peptide level, is associated with reduced event-free survival for postmenopausal women in the NCIC MA14 adjuvant breast cancer trial. J. Clin. Oncol. 24 (June 20 Suppl.), 524 (2006). Google Scholar Wolpin, B. M. et al. Insulin, the ...