Both groups lost a significant amount of weight during the study, and there was no difference between the weight loss in the insulin-resistant (8.6 [plusmn] 1.3 kg) and insulin-sensitive (7.9 [plusmn] 1.4 kg) groups. Weight loss in the insulin-resistant group was also associated with a ...
For a while, your pancreas may be able to make so much extra insulin that your cells open up and let in glucose the way they're supposed to. That will keep your blood sugar within a normal range. But over time, your cells may become more insulin resistant and your blood glucose levels...
Brain insulin action regulates eating behavior and energy fluxes throughout the body. However, numerous people are brain insulin resistant. How brain insulin responsiveness affects long-term weight and body fat composition in humans is still unknown. Her
Weight reduction improves insulin sensitivity in cases of obesity and in most of the obesity-related insulin-resistant states. Restriction of caloric intake is indicated. Dietary indiscretion, such as consumption of a diet high in cholesterol and sodium, should be avoided. Alcohol use should be limi...
In insulin-resistant states such as obesity or type 2 diabetes mellitus, not only are the classical insulin effects impaired, but also the effects of insulin on the vasculature and the kidney Insulin stimulates its own delivery to target cells by actions on the vasculature involving increased capil...
Body weight (BW) depends especially on a balance between lipogenesis and lipolysis. It could influence insulin sensitivity (IS), leading to inhibition of lipogenesis and stimulation of lipolysis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of weight loss on IS and expression of genes involv...
Within each group, insulin resistance trended down, but didn’t reach statistical significance. However, when they looked at the folks who were the most insulin resistant, only the paleo dieters improved their resistance. By the way, insulin resistance was measure via euglycemic hyperinsulinemic cla...
Her underlying problem that she is insulin resistant. That means the cells in her body aren't using the insulin produced by her pancreas well enough. But the beta cells in her pancreas are producing lots of insulin—enough of it to overcome her insulin resistance and escort the glucose from...
resistant(HOMA-IR≥2.5)comparedwithonly25%ofpatientswhomaintainedtheweight loss(p=0.018).Importantly,inadditiontothewell-studiedhormonesleptinand adiponectin,irisinplasmalevelswerestatisticallyassociatedwithseveralriskfactorsfor insulinresistance.Indeed,theincreasedriskofinsulinresistanceduringthefollow-up periodwasrelat...
Yamauchi, T. et al. Insulin signaling and insulin actions in the muscles and livers of insulin-resistant, insulin receptor substrate 1-deficient mice.Mol. Cell. Biol.16, 3074–3084 (1996). ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Aoyama, T. et al. Altered constitutive expression of fatty acid-metabolizing enz...