To conclude, especially the fruits and seeds extracts of PL plant have strong lowering hyperglycemia, insulin sensitivity and anti-oxidative effects.doi:10.14456/tjvm.2021.80Uslu, HamitUslu, Gzde AtilaThai Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Plant-derived phytoestrogens are, therefore, considered to be an alternative remedy to prevent the development of metabolic defects in postmenopausal women. Curcuma comosa Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) has been traditionally used in indigenous medicine in Thailand as a dietary supplement to relieve a variety of...
The combined high intake of slowly digestible carbohydrates, unsaturated fat, plant proteins and micronutrients in the MD as opposed to refined (quickly digestible) carbohydrates, saturated fat and animal proteins in the Western diet is responsible for the different metabolic and health effects of the...
UHPLC-MS analyses of plant flavonoids Curr Protoc Plant Biol, 4 (1) (2019), p. e20085 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [60] D.C. Vu, Z.T. Lei, L.W. Sumner, M.V. Coggeshall, C.H Lin Identification and quantification of phytosterols in black walnut kernels J Food Compos Anal, 75 (...
Article: HLA-associated inverse correlation between T cell and antibody responsiveness to islet autoantigen in recent-onset insulin-dependent diabe
The objective of this study was to evaluate the antidiabetic effects of the aqueous extract derived from the Thai Abutilon indicum Sweet plant and to explore its effects on intestinal glucose absorption and insulin secretion. The authors hypothesized that the plasma glucose level could be reduced ...
plant successionmangrovemappingThe implementation of a hydraulic landfill along the southern expressway (Via Expressa Sul), in the central-south region of Santa Catarina Island, started in 1995 and was completed in 1997. The landfill provided the mangrove vegetation a new environment to colonize, ...
The term “phyto” means plant, while “some” means cell-like [29]. The phytosome is a liposome-like structure made from phospholipids constructing a bilayer membrane. The phytoconstituents can be embedded in the membrane by forming H-bonds at the head group of phospholipids [30,31]. Many...