For the sake of better life, exogenous insulin is essential for most diabetic patients. Insulin, a hormone that controls the blood glucose level, was first purified from dogs by Banting and Best [9] in 1921 in Canada. Meanwhile, insulin has been efficiently synthesized from other sources ...
pen-injectorsyringeMany diabetic dogs and cats require small doses of insulin that must be administered accurately.#To compare the accuracy and precision of insulin syringes and pen-injectors.#None.#To determine how accurately and precisely insulin doses are delivered, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and ...
INJECTION DEVICE FOR THE NEEDLE-FREE INJECTION OF A MEDIUM The invention relates to an injection device, comprising an injector and an ampoule unit for the needle-free injection of a medium. A needleless injection apparatus is provided, having a first chamber, the interior thereof opening into a...