近日,新型1型糖尿病胰岛素注射剂Fiasp(insulin aspart)获批上市。Fiasp是目前门冬胰岛素的一种新配方,添加了两种新赋形剂(维生素B3和L-精氨酸),以确保药物更及时、快速和更好的被吸收,从而使胰岛素更迅速的起效。与门冬胰岛素相比,Fiasp可以更真实地模拟内源性胰岛素对进餐后的反应,这也是HbA1c达标的最佳途径。截止目前...
: a short-acting recombinant form of insulin administered by subcutaneous injection in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes Note: Insulin aspart is marketed under the trademark NovoLog. Dictionary Entries Near insulin aspart insulinase insulin aspart insulin coma therapy See More ...
In order to improve therapy and increase the quality of life for diabetic patients, it has been of significant interest to develop rapid-acting insulin preparations that mimic the physiological meal-time profile of insulin more closely than soluble human insulin. Insulin aspart (B28Asp human insulin...
To study the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of insulin aspart (a new fast-acting human insulin analog) after subcutaneous administration in the deltoid, abdominal, and thigh sites and to compare this profile with regular human insulin (Novolin; Novo Nordisk A/S, Copenhagen).A total of...
The post-prandial state in Type 2 diabetes and endothelial dysfunction: effects of insulin aspart. OBJECTIVE: Recently, much attention has been focused on the possibility that the post-prandial state may be a cardiovascular risk factor in diabetes. The a... A Ceriello,A Cavarape,L Martinelli,...
ninsulina;basal —insulina basal;human —insulina humana;— analogueanálogo de la insulina;— aspartinsulina aspart, insulina asparta (INN);— detemirinsulina detemir;— glargineinsulina glargina;— gluli-sineinsulina glulisina;— lisproinsulina lispro;intermediate-acting —insulina de acción...
Insulin aspart (B28-asp-insulin): a fast acting analog of human insulin. Diabetes Care 1999;22:1501-6.Mudaliar SR, Lindberg FA, Joyce M, et al. Insulin aspart (B28 asp-insulin): a fast-acting analog of human insulin. Absorption kinetics and action profile compared with regular human ...
[pharmacokinetics]humansolubleinsulinaspartleadisrapid onset,lowerthebloodglucoseconcentrationdecreased.The durationoftheinjectionwasshortaftersubcutaneous injection.Theaveragetimeforinsulintoreachthehighest bloodconcentrationwas50%ofsolublehumaninsulin.Thepeak timeoftype1diabeticpatientsisabout40minutesafter subcutaneous...
An insulin analog is a human insulin that has one or two amino acids changed which affects how quickly it is absorbed after injection and how fast or slow it acts. Insulin analogs are usually given within 15 minutes of a meal or at the same time as food.What are Fast-Acting Insulins?
Biphasic insulin aspart 30 (BIAsp 30) is a biphasic insulin analogue that consists of the rapid-acting insulin aspart (30%) and the long-acting protaminated insulin aspart (70%), which together provide an insulin time–action profile that closely mimics that seen in normal physiology [1]....