Solved: Geeks, I am getting insufficient privilege error when I try to change my HANA Calculation view Apply Privileges to "SQL Analytical Privileges". Below
SAP Managed Tags: SAP HANA Dear HANA experts, I try to import a schema to HANA cloudshare sandbox using the File>Import of HANA studio. But unfortunately I get the error mentioned above. I saw another thread concerning this error and read it, but it did not help. I am definitely trying...
SAP HANA Software Product View products (1) Hi, I am getting the error insufficient privileges - user do not have insert and create any privileges while doing import file from sap hana Insufficient privileges - User xxxxxx do not have INSERT and CREATE ANY privilege(s) But my user have...
首先本人的系统是win10家庭版,用DBCA删除数据库实例时出现了ORA-01031:insufficient privileges,权限不足的问题,在网上找到了很多也尝试了很多大神给出的解决办法,最后发现是因为ora_dba的用户组里面没有创建数据库时的用户,现在就我进行的操作步骤做个记录: 方法一: 1.点击开始,搜索cmd,以管理员身份运行。 DOS窗口...
I'm using Hana 30 days trial version and on which I've created new user"epmuser", now when I'm trying to data preview of the demo content(analytical view) in that user it doesn't allow me to data preview. Its throwing error for insufficient privileges. Cannot get the data provider ...
Please enable authorization trace according to 1. Enable the HANA authorization trace:alter system alter configuration ('indexserver.ini','SYSTEM') SET ('trace','authorization')='info' with reconfig...
Solved: Dear all, I have an issue when I try to add a query in Item Code field. The message is 1). [SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB DLL][HDBODBC] General error;258 insufficient