Maternal perceptions of insuf- ficient milk supply in breastfeeding. J Nursing Scholarship 40(4):355-363. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2008.00234.xGatti, Lisa. 2008. "Maternal Perceptions of Insufficient Milk supply in breastfeeding." Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Vol. 40, no.4, 355-363....
for the mother who envisioned breastfeeding as a vital part of her mothering experience, or the mother who is concerned with the risks of not providing human milk to her baby, the realization that
Gatti L. Maternal perceptions of insufficient milk supply in breastfeeding. J Nurs Scholarship 2008;40(4):355-63.Gatti L. Maternal perceptions of insufficient milk supply in breastfeeding. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2008;40:355-63.Gatti L. Maternal perceptions of insufficient milk supply in breast...
Moffat T. Breast feeding, wage labor, and insufficient milk in peri- urban Kathmandu, Nepal. Med Anthropol. 2002;21(2):207-30.Moffat T: Breastfeeding, wage labor, and insufficient milk in peri-urban Kathmandu, Nepal. Med Anthropol 2002, 21(2):207-230....
exclusive breastfeedingperceived insufficient milk supplysystematic reviewThe aim of this systematic review and meta゛nalysis was to assess the efficacy on an intervention on breastfeeding self〆fficacy and perceived insufficient milk supply outcomes. The literature search was conducted among 6 databases (...
The relationship between insufficient milk perception and breastfeeding self-efficacy among Turkish mothersdoi:10.1177/1757975916635080Emine GkeoluSibel KüükoluSAGE Publications
A correction to the article "Association of Bisphenol A Exposure with Breastfeeding and Perceived Insufficient Milk Supply in Mexican Women" by Nicole Kasper and colleagues published in the July 1, 2016 issue is presented.doi:10.1007/s10995-016-2026-9Kasper, Nicole...
intervention administered could have been educational, support, psycho‐social, or breastfeeding self‐efficacy based, offered in prenatal or postnatal or both, in person, over the phone, or with the support of e‐technologies; breastfeeding self‐efficacy or perceived insufficient milk supply as out...
exclusive breastfeedingmaternal nutritionpostpartum perioddietINTRODUCTION\nLittle research has explored galactagogue food consumption in China. This study aims to investigate consumption patterns and how they relate to perceived insufficient milk supply and exclusive breastfeeding.METHODS\nData were collected ...
Long before physicians encouraged artificial feeding, print articles and advertisements persuaded mothers to use alternatives to breastmilk. This chapter traces social constructions in media from thedoi:10.1007/978-3-319-56442-5_2Katherine A. Foss...