A coleta envolveu entrevista semiestruturada, analisada mediante Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo.Resultados:emergiram 3 eixos: Cuidado Musical na interface com o Cuidado Transpessoal; A música como elemento de resgate da esperan?a durante a hospitaliza??o; e Para além d...
Estratégias para o ensino de instrumento musical: bases teóricas e exemplos práticos aplicados ao violodoi:10.33871/23179937.2020. educationVERBAL behaviorTEACHER-student communicationTEACHER rolePHYSICAL contactSCIENTIFIC literatureThis paper discusses the scientific lit...
Artistic, musical and vocal performance and interpretation talents are explained as well. Revelant data on cognitive, developmental and personality data for the singing talent are exposed.doi:10.1016/S0214-4603(97)75661-4GenovardUniversitat Autònoma de BarcelonaC....
The research results showed that the didactic work promoted by the conductor contributes significantly to the human and musical formation of the members of the Banda de Guanac茅s and plays a fundamental role in the individual and collective transformation of the socio-e...