Over the years, CIC has grown into a full-service Representative Agency, providing a wide variety of process safety, pressure relief and pollution control equipment from the highest rated Manufacturers in the industry to companies throughout the Southeast....
Our family of companies is employee-owned, which means your success is our success. We take pride in delivering high-tech solutions, on time and within budget. Through the E.W.P. Gives program, we annually contribute 3% of gross profits to a variety of organizations, including those in EWP...
Issue 1 2022, Access Control & Identity Management Due to concerns of touching surfaces, and even each other, many companies are looking at different ways to safeguard their staff and visitors. Read more... Personal security awareness Issue 8 2021, Security Services & Risk Management ...
Automated Process Control is a instrumentation and controls firm that has been helping companies to achieve their goals through automation, process controls, instrumentation, electrical and engineering since 1989. Automated Process Control has completed projects in the Oil and Gas, Chemical, Food, Beverag...
Thermo-Kinetics has been working with our clients to successfully find solutions for process control and measurement challenges for 50 years.
Comments on the importance of instrumentation and control in chemical process industries. Opinion on the work force of chemical companies; Views on the dependence of companies to sensors; Impact of high-technology products on the companies.ChopeyNicholasP.Chemical Engineering...
Maran Engineers are members of ISA and have many years of experience in instrumentation and control engineering, commissioning and service of process instrumentation, analyzers and process control systems. We sub contract for engineering companies and plants in the power, energy process and water ...
As a leading control instrumentation manufacturer, SOR Controls Group has worked with companies across the world in a variety of different industries. What truly sets us apart isn’t only our expertise in measurement, control, and grab sampling, but even more so, our ability to listen to your...
来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 3 摘要: Features instrumentation, controls, computers and software for power plant applications. Vortex-shedding flowmeter from Johnson Yokogawa Corp.; V-line connectors from Sine Companies Inc.; Portable barometer from MKS Instruments Inc.; More. 年份: 1993 ...
Because of the specialty house approach, we establish the necessary communications with recognized engineering, consulting, and the design companies as well as contractors, in order to develop systematic specifications and approval of our equipment in upcoming projects. ...