Young participants were given the option to complete the forms by themselves or to have the research assistants read the items and fill in their answers for them. As for anthropometric measures, the height and weight of all the participants in light clothing and shoeless was measured by trained...
Regarding the difficulties encountered in answering questions about physical activity, the importance of adapting the answers to more intuitive options is highlighted. This holds significant importance as users are more prone to advocate for products to others predicated on intuitive affective responses. ...
and usefulness of the instrument. The answers were reviewed by the aftercare nurse. Oral information about the aim of the study was given and they were asked to give written consent or verbal assent in face-to-face contact with the researcher or aftercare nurse at the outpatient clinic. After...
How does performance, as defined by item difficulty, and correlation between solving problem and spatial ability, vary between problems that have and do not have a selection of answers to choose from? Table 12 shows the results from the statistical analyses comparing item characteristics of the pro...
Person-centered care (PCC) requires knowledge about patient preferences. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is one approach to quantify, weigh and rank patient preferences suitable for People living with Dementia (PlwD), due to simple pairwise compariso
Background: Several instruments have been developed to assess adolescent dating violence but only few have been validated in Spanish-speaking settings. Some instruments are too long and may not be feasible to include them in a multipurpose questionnaire.
MDPI and ACS Style Houkes, I.; Miglioretti, M.; Picco, E.; De Rijk, A.E. Tapping the Employee Perspective on the Improvement of Sustainable Employability (SE): Validation of the MAastricht Instrument for SE (MAISE-NL).Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2020,17, 2211. https://doi....
Background: This study aimed to adapt the Spanish version of the Assessment of Stress in Nursing Students (ASNS) (shorter form) instrument for Spanish podiatry students, labeling the new tool as the Spanish version of Assessment of Stress in Podiatry Stu
No reasons for their answers were recorded. Table 5. Questionnaire which best described the health state of the child with and without a health condition. (Total Sample N = 203). Health condition indicates attendance at a paediatric hospital for management of an acute or chronic health condition...
Following this procedure, we were able to obtain answers from students with previous knowledge about environmental topics, which was our goal. The survey was carried out during the second semester of the 2017–2018 academic year, so the reliability of the information gathered was guaranteed. ...