Instructions for AuthorsProvides instructions and guidelines to prospective authors who wish to submit manuscripts.doi:10.1001/jama.1977.03270500042023American Medical AssociationJournal of the American Medical Association
(for details s. Section 5) 2 Display (Touch-sensitive "Touch Screen") 3 Operating keys 4 SmartSens sensors 4 5 Type name 6 Glass draft shield 3 F 7 Weighing pan 8 Draft shield element 9 Level indicator / level sensor 10 Fastening point for anti-theft device 11 Safety foots (10 mg, ...
4:Linuxisratheruniquebecauseitisdistributedalongwithitssourcecodeunderthe termsofaGeneralPublicLicense,whiichallowseveryonetomakecopiesfortheirownuse ,togivetoothers,ortosell. 5:ProgramswrittenwithoopLanguagesaregenerallyshorterinLengthandcontainfewer bugs,ormistakes,thanthosewrittenwithnon-ooplanguages. 6:...
(only for systems with a battery) Emergency power mode Prerequisites for emergency power mode Transitioning from feeding energy into the grid to backup power mode Transitioning from backup power mode to feeding energy into the grid Restrictions in backup power mode Backup power and energy saving ...
16 Endress+Hauser Proline Promag W 400 HART Storage and transport 5 Storage and transport 5.1 Storage conditions Observe the following notes for storage: • Store in the original packaging to ensure protection from shock. • Do not remove protective covers or protective caps installed on ...
Please first read and follow the instructions for authors given below. When your manuscript has been prepared in accordance with the journal's instructions, and you are ready to submit online, go to . Manuscript receipt will be notified by e-...