A structured abstract is required, and trial registration information (registry name, trial ID, and URL) must be listed at the end of the abstract; for more information, see instructions for preparing Abstracts for Reports of Original Data. A list of 3 Key Points is required (see guidance on...
frequently asked questions here we have answered some of the most common questions that arise at the point of submitting an article in latex. if your question relates specifically to the latex template, please contact elsarticle@stmdocs.in for more information and support, see the elsevier ...
(4) Conflict of interest: When submitting a manuscript, authors must submit a public statement of conflict of interest, specifying various financial and non-financial interests. The authors are responsible for the veracity of the conflict-of-interest public statement provided, and the corresponding au...
At least 1 of the authors, ideally the corresponding author, should have sufficient expertise and experience with the topic. There should be no more than 10 references, and no more than 2 small figures totaling 3 image components (Figure 1, with no more than 2 components, for the case ...
Contact yourEHR vendorfor assistance with these steps. For additional assistance, contact the Health Records support team athealth_records_support@apple.com. Cerner Millennium with Ignite APIs, CommunityWorks, or PowerWorks Log a Service Request (SR) with the following information: ...
If you already have aSimBriefaccount (you can create one for free), enter your SimBrief username in GeoFS ("options" > "general") to be able to use the direct flight plan import feature (Navigraph icon at the bottom of the flight plan UI). This imports the latest created SimBrief flight...
checked, remove the batteries from the wireless device (if removable) or turn the wireless device off (if it has an on/off switch). Listen for the in-flight announcement that tells you if you can use your device during a flight. In-flight wireless use is at the discretion of ...
The steps for installing an Information Server Service Pack depend on whether the Microservices tier is installed. Requirements for installing an Service Pack: You must install Information Server version If you have a Microservices tier, it must be at the same version...
he said. Party committees at all levels and their organization departments have thoroughly implemented the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee, closely centered around the main guideline for enforcing full and strict self-governance, taken strengthening the Party politically as the overarchi...
Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file