appendiica 8085 instruction set by opcodeA B C D E H L MThe information in this appendix is reproduced by kind permission of the Intel\u001FCorporation. The symbolsabbreviations used are listed below .
Since a detailed description of the instruction set will take up a very large number of pages, the description of instructions in this section is limited to that which is necessary for the reader to appreciate the primary effects of the instructions. A comprehensive description of the 8085 ...
1. Both of Administrator and Common user security password are set to "00000". 2. Laboratory name is "Bio-Rad Laboratories". 3. All wavelength values of the filters are set to "---" nm. 4. The date and time of the calendar chip are set to 1 day, 1 month, 00 year, 0 hour ...
B. Kastrup. Automatic synthesis of reconfigurable instruction set accelerators. PhD thesis, Philips Research, 2001.B. Kastrup : Automatic Synthesis of Reconfigurable Instruction Set Accelerators. Th`ese de doctorat, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2001....