Electronics The Brewer Spectrophotometer contains its own microprocessor, an 8051 based microprocessor, which controls all internal instrument operations. Specifically, the microprocessor is responsible for: • positioning the diffraction grating - the microprocessor controls a stepper motor which drives a ...
REGISTERS ADC RAM ALU CPU ANALOG COMPARATOR WATCHDOG TIMER I/O PORTS INTERRUPTS TIMER COUNTERS Circle 5 or visit www.ednmag.com/infoaccess.asp www.ednmag.com September 16, 1999 | edn 97 microprocessordirectory 8 bits 8051 also has 16 bit-addressable bytes of on-chip RAM for flags or ...
A processor isn’t necessarily a single device, and this is what distinguishes a processor from amicroprocessor. Whereas a processor could be composed (for example) of separate CPU and memory modules connected via ribbon cables, a microprocessor will always be an integrated circuit. Amicrocontroll...
microprocessordirectory 8 bits INTEL MCS 151/251 The MCS 151 and 251 cores are binary- code-compatible with the 8051. (The 251 has additional instructions.) The 151 maintains the 80C51 accumulator-based core compatibility, and the 251 is a reg- ...