作者: 【CPU指令集种类】 1)指令集架构(InstructionSetArchitecture),又称指令集或指令集体系,是计算机体系结构中与程序设计有关的部分,包含了基本数据类型,指令集,寄存器,寻址模式,存储体系,中断,异常处理以及外部I/O。指令集架构包含一系列的opcode即操作码(机器语言),以及由特定处理器执行的基本命令。 2)CPU按指...
预先存储的指令越先进,CPU就越高级。可以这样说指令集是软件与CPU之间的一个接口而CPU就是接口的实列化。其实指令集就是一组汇编指令的集合,不同的CPU使用的指令集不同。 CPU指令集是在CPU设计时固化在里面的“硬程序”,整合在CPU内部的逻辑电路中,不是什么代码,也谈不上“存储”。所以我们在CPU里是不可能找到...
CPU指令集(InstructionSetArchitecture,ISA)CISC RISC 指令系统指令⽐较多,基本上是⼀个功能⼀条指令;每个特定、复杂 的功能都有专门的指令。因此实现特殊功能容易,每条指令 可以处理的⼯作⽐较丰富;格式不规则,执⾏时间较长 只有少数的常⽤指令;对不常⽤的功能或⼤部分复杂操作使⽤简单指令 合...
CPU 指令集(Instruction Set Architecture, ISA),本文摘自网络概念指令集是存储在CPU内部,对CPU运算进行指导和优化的硬程序,用来引导CPU进行加减运算和控制计算机操作系统的一系列指令集合。拥有这些指令集,CPU就可以更高效地运行。系统所下达的每一个命令都需要CPU根
Computer Architecture, Spring 2015, Lecture 3 ISA Tradeoffs (CMU, Spring 2015) Lecture 3. ISA Tradeoffs - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu Computer Architecture, Spring 2015, Lecture 4 ISA Tradeoffs & MIPS ISA (CMU, Spring 2015) ...
The instruction set consists of addressing modes, instructions, native data types, registers, memory architecture, interrupt, exception handling, and external I/O.Tip The first CPU, the Intel 4004, had an instruction set of 46 instructions. Today's computers have thousands of instructions....
After decades of evolution, CPU architectures have become extremely complex and cumbersome. Documents of ARM architecture are thousands of pages long, with complex and numerous instructions that are not compatible with each other and do not support modularity. There are also issues of expensive patent...
are known as its instruction-set architecture (ISA). Different “families” of processors, such as Intel IA32, IBM/Freescale PowerPC, and the ARM processor family have different ISAs. A program compiled for one type of machine will not run on another. On the other hand, there are many dif...
CPU architecture explained The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the “brain” of your device, but it’s not exactly smart. A CPU only works when given very specific instructions — suitably called the instruction set which tells the processor to move data between registers and memory or to pe...