667 1000 SLC-Marbella SLC-Marbella2024-02-29 10:00:182024-02-29 10:01:07¿Qué diccionari...
Instituto Cervantes hosts 140 drawings by Spanish artistsContent DefaultAgenda
The Instituto Cervantes and the government platform SPAIN arts & culture are two of the primary protagonists of Spanish cultural diplomacy abroad. Based on two corpora prepared with the cultural activities published by the Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa and the government platform SPAIN a...
2006. The European linguistic legacy in a global era: Linguistic imperial- ism, Spanish and the Instituto Cervantes. In Clare Mar-Molinero & Patrick Stevenson (eds.), Language ideologies, policies and practices: Language and the future of Europe, 58-76. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan....
Course in ELE (Spanish as a foreign language teaching) MethodologyAlba Romero Morillas