precision medicine, AI and machine learning, remote and hybrid trials, devices and digital therapeutics, Phase I, pediatrics, federally funded studies, exemptions, mRNA clinical trials, EFIC studies, cell and gene therapies, retrospective chart review, complex protocol design and adaptive trials…you ...
precision medicine, AI and machine learning, remote and hybrid trials, devices and digital therapeutics, Phase I, pediatrics, federally funded studies, exemptions, mRNA clinical trials, EFIC studies, cell and gene therapies, retrospective chart review, complex protocol design and adaptive trials…you ...
Access to such housing, however, is limited to those with jobs in the formal sector and incomes five times the Mexican minimum wage (Flores Peña and Soto Alva, 2010). Infonavit homes are built in the State of Mexico on the MCMA urban fringe by development construction companies on cheap...
Online retail, led by firms such as Amazon and Alibaba, has delivered great benefits for consumers and suppliers, but the business model has decimated the traditional high-street retailers, eliminating local retail jobs, and diminishing the sense of community centres within towns and cities, ...
Many African Americans mirror the hostility of whites, and as the goals of full racial equality and justice continue to seem remote, frustration and anger continue to run high. While Obama's election stirred strong optimism and positive attitudes towards the future in the black community, the ...
inhospitable terrains surviving by hunting wild game, gathering roots, tubers and wild fruits. Today the land that Basarwa used to hunt on is increasingly being taken up for grazing, commercial ranching, game reserves and national parks. They predominate among the Remote Area Dweller (RAD) ...