Earth & environmental sciences40.84 Health sciences602175.80 Physical sciences6021.69 Note:Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area, as a result the sum of the subject research outputs may not equal the overall research outputs. ...
Earth & environmental sciences865203 Health sciences22 Physical sciences26260 Research Overall research output CountShare Overall1113401.48 Overall Count and Share for 'National Institutes of Health (NIH)' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above. ...
Health sciences767.15 Physical sciences60.49 Note:Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area, as a result the sum of the subject research outputs may not equal the overall research outputs. Note:Hover over the donut graph to view the Share for each subject. ...
Background: The high frequency of alterations of the stomatognathic system associated with premature birth may suggest that prematurity is an important risk factor in the development of this system. Prematurity has an incidence between 6-11% of births and is associated with factors such as genetic...
Biological sciences5011.32 Chemistry175.26 Health sciences91.15 Physical sciences50.75 Note:Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area, as a result the sum of the subject research outputs may not equal the overall research outputs. ...
Royal Institute of British Architects Journal Royal Institute of Chemistry Royal Institute of Health Sciences Royal Institute of Higher Education Royal Institute of International Affairs Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology Royal Institute of Navigation ...
The FABTP evolved into the African Bioethics Consortium, a network of US institutions and three others in Africa, namely: Makerere University, College of Health Sciences in Uganda; the University of Botswana, Office of Research and Development; and the University of Zambia, School of Medicine [...
we suggest that the Chinese government should strengthen and improve the domestic talent system construction to attract international intelligence to return home,also further encouraging the international mobility of talents,especially the persons with high-quality human capital,is of great significance to ...
Earth & environmental sciences141.27 Health sciences36230.75 Physical sciences363.17 Note:Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area, as a result the sum of the subject research outputs may not equal the overall research outputs.
Health sciences60.93 Note:Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area, as a result the sum of the subject research outputs may not equal the overall research outputs. Leading research topics TopicsCountShare View all topics Share output for the past 5 years ...