爱企查为您提供云南省农业科学院热带亚热带经济作物研究所 INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL CASH CROPS YAAS 19512023年企业商标信息查询,包括企业商标注册信息、商标logo,商标类别等企业商标信息查询,让您更轻松的了解云南省农业科学院热带亚热带经济作物研究所 INS
Half-a-century of research work carried out on problems of the Colchis area of the All-Union Institute of Tea and Subtropical crops Friesen SR, Crosby I, Boggan MD, Fiallos E, Lees JM, Cudnik DB, Underwood J 3rd, Peckler MS, Craig CC, Friesen RH, Bolinger RE, McGuigan JE. VK Go...
A seminar on the mineral nutrition of tropical and sub-tropical fruit crops, organized by the French Institute for Overseas Fruit Research (Paris, 3-4 October, 1963)Cuille, J
3withPhDdegreeand12withmaster’sde-gree.Theinstitutefocusedprimarilyontheresearchesofsugarcane,jutebreed-ingandcultivation,tropical-subtropicalhorticulturalcropsbreedingandcultivation,plantphysiology,biochemistryandbiotechnology,etc.Ithad4labs(orcenters),suchassugarcane breeding and cultivation lab, jute resource ...
The Impact of the Green Revolution on Plant Protection in Tropical and Subtropical Areas The earliest use of the term "integrated control," at least in its pest control sense, dates from June of 1954 (Smith and Allen, 1954). Thus, the history of integrated control would appear to have span...
Shrinathji institute of pharmacy nathdwara make good carrier opportunities. For students. Mr. Rakesh singh The hostel was very safe, clean with lovely decorated rooms and Everything was perfect. At My college , all facilities are very Good like the vibrant classroom, good labs , classroom furni...
andmultipleusesofwaterfor agriculture.Thepapersarepublishedanddistributedbothinhardcopyand electronically.Theymaybecopiedfreelyandcitedwithdueacknowledgment. RandolphBarker SWIMCoordinator ii SWIMPaper7 WaterHarvestingandSupplemental IrrigationforImprovedWaterUseEfficiency inDryAreas TheibOweis,AhmedHachum,andJacobKijne...