这项新设施中心大楼将成为量子计算研究所(Institute for Quantum Computing)、滑铁卢奈米技术研究所(Waterloo Institute f…canada.nsc.gov.tw|基于8个网页 2. 作为量子计算研究所 该中心同时作为量子计算研究所(Institute for Quantum Computing)、滑铁卢纳米技术研究所(Waterloo Institute for Nanotec…www.most.gov.cn...
Various proposed quantum information processing platforms have characteristic strengths and weaknesses, which are clearly delineated in this book. For now it is important to pursue a variety of hardware approaches in parallel, because we don’t know for sure which ones have the best long term prosp...
Reference material: no textbook, although "Scientific Computing" by Heath might be useful Format Course number: This is course PHYS 776 at the University of Waterloo Format: The course consists of six two-week modules; most can be attended independently Assessment mechanism: One lab assignment per...
4776687 Apparatus for detecting ophthalmic disease 1988-10-11 Nakanishi et al. 351/214 4711542 Ophthalmic disease detection apparatus 1987-12-08 Ichihashi et al. 351/221Other References: J. D. Moreland, Associated Professor and W. B. Young, School of Optometry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo,...