合作单位如下:日本全球环境战略研究所(Institute for Global Environmental Strategies)、德国Öko研究所(Öko Institute)、中国 …guangfu.bjx.com.cn|基于13个网页 2. 全球环境策略学会 后Rio+20永续发展治理机制... ... 的声浪也未曾减缓。全球环境策略学会( Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, IGES...
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Discontinued series: although this series no longer publishes new content, the published titles listed here remain available. Print ISSN 1566-7871 Book titles in this series People and Forest — Policy and Local Reality in Southeast Asia, the Russian Far ...
InstituteforGlobalEnvironmentalStrategies 小柳秀明H.KOYANAGI 1.主办及承办单位(草案)Orgnizations(draft)○主办单位(HostingOrganizations):世界银行WB国家环境保护总局SEPA○承办单位(Organizers)地球环境战略研究机关(IGES)国家环境保护总局中日友好环境保护中心(Sino-JapanFriendshipCenterforEnvironmentalProtection,SEPA)...
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) 130Bahau, T H EPeople, S AEast, O FThe Institute for Global Environmental Strategies - Matsuo, Maruyama, et al. - 1998
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) sources and how such funding mechanisms can be accessed towards improving State,organizational contains an initial assessment of several modalities and options to improve accessto the energy sector by creating new economic opportunitie......
The Earth System Science Education Alliance (ESSEA)is administered by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies through a grant from the National Science Foundation. More than 40 universities are members of ESSEA and offer courses in Earth system science for teachers using ESSEA developed mate...
Institute for Global Training (IGT) aims to provide training, educaton and consulting services to a wide range of professionals, individuals and organisations
Role of Hydrogen in Energy Supply and Policy for Hydrogen Economy in US, EU and Japan Resources for the Future and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies convened a one and one-half day workshop on domestic and international clima... Kazuo,KOSEKI - 《Journal of the Institute of El...
网络全球环境研究所;与全球环境研究所 网络释义 1. 全球环境研究所 还有全球环境研究所(Global Environmental Institute)和自然保护协会(Nature Conservancy)。所有这些伙伴关系都对能否 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于20个网页 2. 与全球环境研究所 iipdigital.usembassy.gov|基于 1 个网页...
For us at Morgan Stanley, it is abundantly clear that the solutions to global challenges can only achieve the required scale if they can attract a critical mass of private capital. To this end, we’ve established the Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing to lead work across our ...