Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun An association organized to promote art or science or education. (动) As a verb Advance or set forth in court. Synonyms:bring ...
institute是比较实意范围相对小的明确的名词 institution是一个较抽象的名词.用途更为广泛.institute 重在学术研究之类的学院、团队;institution重在制度,社会上的团体、机构。如:The institution of school rules is necessary. 制定学校规则的是很有必要的。正因为 insitution一词有着如此宽广、模糊且非...
2institute/ˈɪnstəˌtuːt/Brit/ˈɪnstəˌtjuːt/verb institutes;instituted;instituting Britannica Dictionary definition of INSTITUTE [+ object]formal :to begin or create (something, such as a new law, rule, or system) ...
:an elementary principle recognized as authoritative (2) institutesplural:a collection of such principles and precepts especially:a legal compendium institute 2 of 2 verb instituted;instituting transitive verb 1 a :to originate and get established:organize ...
2017年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A Director ofInstitutefor Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris Murray described it as an "urgent call to action". 2018年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A In 1918, Irene became her mother's assistant at the CurieInstitute. ...
Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
16 Finally, on the last night that Jesus was with the apostles, Nisan 14, 33 C.E., he instituted what came to be known as the Lord’s Evening Meal and commanded them to commemorate the event. 16 A tâwpah, Isua chuan a tirhkohte nêna a awm hnuhnûng ber zân, Nisan 14...
As a verb Islam requires mankind to become “ISLAM-ERS” or the followers of Islam who abide by the code of life that God has revealed. As a noun, Islam is the name of the way of life that one must adopt to attain success in this world and salvation in the hereafter, thereby becomi...
aNature-based tourism has the potential to enhance global biodiversity conservation by providing alternative livelihood strategies for local people, which may alleviate poverty in and around protected areas. Despite the popularity of the concept of nature-based tourism as an integrated conservation and de...
Such a shift is essential, and it is not limited to institutional or governance components 这种转变必不可少,而且不限于体制和治理的组成因素。 MultiUn We call upon Governments everywhere to institute the necessary programmes and monitor their effectiveness, as follows. 我们吁请各地政府实施以下必...