Definition of instantly adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
If you are still looking for a business name, offers advanced settings for your search. Using this generator, you can limit the search by adding character and word limits, choosing the preferred TLDs, and allowing synonyms. In addition, specify your search by including and excluding ...
Want more word tricks? Use the search box to find an alternative word by typingsynonymorantonymfollowed by the word for which you want a suggestion. You get some synonyms with the bare definition, but this option gives you even more choices....
Though Katy falls is not as popular as the previous fall mentioned in the list ofwaterfalls in Ooty, it is stunning as well. As it is the third-largest waterfall in South India, you will be awed at the flow of the water that cascades down from a height of 590 feet. If you visit t...