instant-ngp: Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding url:;DR作者提出了一种可学习参数的多分辨率哈希编码结构替换 NeRF 中使用的三角函数…
公众号-arXiv每日学术速递 2024/04/25 6060 InstantMesh:利用稀疏视图大规模重建模型从单张图像高效生成3D网格 点云建模计算机视觉机器人视觉 摘要:本文提出了InstantMesh,这是一个用于从单视角图像生成即时3D网格的前馈框架,具有当前非常优秀的生成质量和显著的训练可扩展性。 一点人工一点智能 2024/04/18 2.6K0 Orbe...
来源: [Camera paramertes] 在准备好一组拍摄的 2D 图像后,首先解算每张图像对应的相机位姿参数。这一步可以使用如 COLMAP 等现成工具。COLMAP 会匹配不同图像中出现的场景共同点来计算相机位姿。此外我们假设整个场景位于范围是 [-1,1]^3 的立方体盒子内。 [3D point sa...
@article{mueller2022instant,title={Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding},author={Thomas M\"uller and Alex Evans and Christoph Schied and Alexander Keller},journal={arXiv:2201.05989},year={2022},month= jan } ...
@article{mueller2022instant, title = {Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding}, author = {Thomas M\"uller and Alex Evans and Christoph Schied and Alexander Keller}, journal = {arXiv:2201.05989}, year = {2022}, month = jan }...
arXiv [cs.GR], Jan 2022 [Project page] [Paper] [Video] For business inquiries, please visit our website and submit the form:NVIDIA Research Licensing Requirements Both Windows and Linux are supported. AnNVIDIA GPU; tensor cores increase performance when available. All shown results come from ...
arXiv:2201.05989 [cs.CV], Jan 2022 Project page/Paper/Video/BibTeX For business inquiries, please visit our website and submit the form:NVIDIA Research Licensing Requirements AnNVIDIA GPU; tensor cores increase performance when available. All shown results come from an RTX 3090. ...
论文地址: 项目地址: 论文概览 在神经辐射场(NeRF)中,一个神经网络被训练来模拟一个三维场景的体积表示,这样通过光线跟踪就可以呈现该场景的新视图。NeRF 已被证明是一种有效的任务工具,如视图合成,生成媒体,机器人,和计算摄影。M... 6.9k stars Authors: Thomas Müller, Alex Evans, Christoph Schied, Alexander Keller 摘要:由完全连接的神经网络参数化的神经图形原语,训练和评估成本高昂。我们通过一种通用的新输入编码来降低...
[2]MüllerT, Evans A, Schied C, et al., Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding, arXiv: 2201.05989, 2022. —完— 「人工智能」、「智能汽车」微信社群邀你加入! 欢迎关注人工智能、智能汽车的小伙伴们加入我们,与AI从业者交流、切磋,不错过最新行业发展&技术进展。