Important Safeguards Care & Cleaning Troubleshooting Warranty Contact Information Safety,Maintenance & Warranty Full Manual, How to Videos and Recipes available online at Register your product today at DUO EVO TM PLUS Multi-Use Pressure Cooker ...
【Instant Pot】日式温泉蛋配奶油蘑菇汁——IB快煲灵魂级暖心美食的做法步骤 步骤1 取出Evo Plus附带的支架放入锅内,并往锅内加入适量水,盖上锅盖 步骤2 IB快煲选择“低温烹饪”键/自定义/温度/自定义/63度,时间设置1小时,选择“开始”键,机器进入预热程序。 步骤3 预热完成后,将鸡蛋放在锅中的支架上,并确...
Instant Pot Duo Evo Plus Smart Program Buttons and Presets Each Instant Pot Duo Evo Plus smart program has presets (time and pressure levels) that have been pre-programmed for a particular food.Included in each of the presets is aCustomoption and it’s used when you want to program the In...
Instant Pot饮尚宝多功能电压快煲Duo Evo Plus设有43个智能预设程序,按键搭配旋钮,你就可以轻松get想要的温度和时间。 此外,一起与中国消费者见面的,还有常规款Instant Pot饮尚宝多功能电压快煲Duo 60和Instant Pot饮尚宝多功能电压快煲Duo Mini,不同容量款式满足不同消费者的需求。 Instant Pot饮尚宝多功能电压快煲...
Instant Pot旗舰版Duo Evo Plus 增设的低温烹饪功能,不仅是米其林主厨的专宠,更受到健身发烧友的独爱。它最大程度保留了食物的原始滋味和营养元素,不论是高档的法式鹅肝慕斯还是少油少脂的慢煮健身鸡胸,Evo Plus可以全部搞定!拥有一台Evo Plus,你就可以在家轻松为家人秀一桌 “米其林”美食。 康宁饮尚宝超话 k...
PURCHASE THEINSTANT POT DUO EVO PLUSON AMAZON! First Thing You Need to Do: Open the Box! I can’t even tell you how many times I hear from people who either got the Instant Pot as a gift, or they bought it and are too scared to use it. So let me just say there’s nothing to...
Instant Pot Duo Evo plus 329,00 € Vergleiche 1 Preis Instant Pot XL multifunction cooker 139,99 € Instant Pot Pro 10-in-1 378,99 € Im Trend Instant Pot Crisp 8 Pro 8L 249,99 € Instant Pot Multicooker Slow Cooker Cookbook for Beginners 2021 (Geheftet, 2020) 22,49 € ...
Instant Pot饮尚宝多功能电压快煲Duo Evo Plus,是北美颇受欢迎的厨电品牌Instant Brands旗下的旗舰产品,是一款集压力锅、慢炖锅、电饭煲、蒸锅、炒锅、酸奶机、烘焙、保温、低温烹饪等十多种功能于一身的多功能合一电器,一煲替代多锅,旨在为您节省烹饪时间,节省厨房空间,更能快速及时地让您和所爱的人,轻松获得烹饪...
Instant Pot 112-0156-01 Duo Plus 9-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, 6 Quart Restored Instant Pot 6qt Duo Evo Plus Multi-Use 10-in-1 Pressure Cooker (Refurbished) Add $129.99current price $129.99Restored Instant Pot 6qt Duo Evo Plus Multi-Use 10-in-1 Pressure Cooker (Refurbished)...
STEP 4:Instant Pot Duo 60多功能电压快煲内放入处理好的五花肉块、咸肉块、春笋片、姜片、小葱结,调入料酒,注入1升清水。盖上盖子,排气阀放置密封位置。STEP 5:选择“煲汤”键/高压/正常模式,时间设置30分钟(Instant Pot Duo Evo Plus多功能电压快煲选择“压力煮”键/煲汤/压力/高,时间设置18分钟),开始烹饪...