instant messaging [in-stuhntmes-ij-ing ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun Digital Technology. a system for exchanging typed electronic messages instantly via the internet or a cellular network, using a shared software application on a personal computer or mobile device. : IM...
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“Instant messaging.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 7 Nov. 2024. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of instant messaging to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of instant messaging on Twitter Twi...
Define instant messaging. instant messaging synonyms, instant messaging pronunciation, instant messaging translation, English dictionary definition of instant messaging. n. The transmission of an electronic message over a computer network using software
Mobile IM (Instant Messaging) - definitionMobile Instant Messaging is the ability to engage in Instant Messaging services from a mobile handset. Mobile IM allows users to address messages to others using a dynamic address book full of users with their online status updated constantly. That allows ...
Instant messaging, often shortened to IM or IM'ing, is the exchange of near-real-time messages through a standalone application or embedded software. Unlike chatrooms with many users engaging in multiple and overlapping conversations, IM sessions usually take place between two users in a private,...
instant messaging n (Computer Science) computing the online facility that allows the instant exchange of written messages between two or more people using different computers or mobile phones. Abbreviation: IM Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins...
In subject area: Computer Science Instant Messaging (IM) is a form of real-time communication that allows users to send short text-based messages to each other. It can also include features such as voice or video communication. IM typically requires the installation of client software that uses...
The meaning of INSTANT is an infinitesimal space of time; especially : a point in time separating two states. How to use instant in a sentence.
IM Stands for "Instant Message." Instant messaging is a form of real-time text chat between two or more people over theInternet. It is similar toSMStext messaging but operates over any internet connection instead of relying strictly on a mobile phone network. IM conversations occur inreal-time...