instance 10 vlan 10-20 (实例10 包括10、20 两个vlan )instance 20 vlan 30-40(实例20 包括30、40 两个vlan )exit (退出并保存)然后按题目要求设置优先级 spanning-tree mst 20(上面设置的实例名称) priority 4096
instance命令用来配置VLAN和实例的映射关系。 undo instance命令用来删除VLAN和实例的映射关系。 缺省情况下,所有VLAN均映射到实例0上。 命令格式 instance instance-id vlan { vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] } &<1-10> undo instance instance-id [ vlan { vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] } &<1-10> ] ...
Instance 1 vlan 10 Instance 2 vlan 20 Instance 2 vlan 30 Active region-configuration 三个互联链路的端口都为Access,且属于如图所标识的VLAN三台交换机分别创建Access链路对应的 VLAN虚接口并在虚接口上运行OSPF其VLAN虚接口的IP地址分配如下:SWA: vlan-interface 10 (; vlan-interface 30(192.168...
Configure the mapping between an ERP instance and VLAN. Run stp region-configuration The Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) region view is displayed. Run instance instance-id vlan { vlan-id [ to vlan-id ] } &<1-10> The mapping between the ERP i...
L3SW2作为vlan20的活动网 关以及vlan10的备份网关,并且在跟踪上行接口的状态。 LS3SW1(config)#spanning-treeLS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree mst 1 prionty 0LS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree mst 2 prionty 4096LS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree (1) configurationLS3SW1(config)# instance (2) vlan 10LS3SW...
VLAN Instance Create or Modify the Mapping Between VLANs and an Instance Query the Mapping Between VLANs and an Instance Delete the Mapping between VLANs and an Instance 最終更新日:2023-03-24 ドキュメント番号:EDOC1100294590 閲覧数:118467 ...
Instance-VLAN Mapping Modify the Instance-VLAN Mapping Query the Instance-VLAN Mapping TRILL Configurations ARP Ping Trace NQA LLDP BFD Information VRRP IP Protocol Stack HWTACACS OPS Applications Python API HTTP SSL TTY Stack Management ZTP Management QoSInstance...
instance命令用来配置VLAN和实例的映射关系。 undo instance命令用来删除VLAN和实例的映射关系。 缺省情况下,所有VLAN均映射到实例0上。 命令格式 instance instance-id vlan { vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] } &<1-10> undo instance instance-id [ vlan { vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] } &<1-10> ] 参数...
display vlan instance mapping命令用来查看实例和VLAN的映射关系。 命令格式 display vlan instance mapping 参数说明 无 视图 所有视图 缺省级别 1:监控级 使用指南 在完成实例和VLAN的映射关系配置以后,可以通过本命令查看已配置的实例和VLAN的映射关系。 使用实例 # 查看实例和VLAN的映射关系。 <HUAWEI> displ...
vlan instance Function The vlan instance command displays the VLAN instance view in which mappings between instances and VLANs are configured. The undo vlan instance command restores the configured mappings between instances and VLANs. By default, all VLANs in an MST region are mapped to MS...