另外,bridge 的名称与控制节点上一致,都是 brq3fcfdb98-9d,表明是同一个 network。 当前vlan100 的结构如下: cirros-vm1( 与 cirros-vm2( 位于不同节点,通过 vlan100 相连,下面执行 PING 验证连通性。 在 cirros-vm1 控制台中执行 ping。 如我们预料,ping 成功。
%MAC_MOVE-SW1-4-NOTIF: Host xxxx.xxxx.xxxx in vlan <> is flapping between port (1) and port (2) %MAC_MOVE-SW1-4-NOTIF: Host yyyy.yyyy.yyyy in vlan <> is flapping between port port (1) and port (2) %MAC_MOVE-SW1-4-NOTIF: Host zzzz.zzzz.zz...
Check the log file , you will find some TC packet , this will lead to the mac refresh. Root Cause After adding some vlan, it indicate some topologe-changed event happened, it will generate "TC" protocol packet ,which is a global packet , all the involved swtich received this type pac...
企业兼并是当今世界经济的热点之一,下列对企业兼并认识正确的是 ①有利于扩大优势企业的规模,增强优势企业的实力 ②有利于提高整个社会的资源利用效率 ③有利于使企业在破产的压力下改善经营管理 ④有利于淘汰落后企业
The VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 16-byte field in the MST BPDU. B. The VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 12-byte field in the MST BPDU. C. The VLAN to instance mapping is a 16-byte MD5...