使用--export子命令将该版本导出到你想要的路径,这里以D:\WSL为例: PSC:\> wsl--exportUbuntu-18.04D:\WSL\Ubuntu.tar 当看到导出成功的提示后,在wsl管理中注销 Ubuntu-18.04 发行版本,以避免接下来导入时冲突: PSC:\> wsl--unregisterUbuntu-18.04 重新导入*.tar格式的 WSL 系统到指定位置,这里以D:\WSL为...
I've just upgraded to Windows 10 and I'm trying to install vpnclient-winx64-msi- I'm running the install program as being compatible with Windows 7 (also tried XP). The install wizard opens and starts to run, but soon errors out: 27850....
2 "Unable to establish SSL connection" on WSL Ubuntu on Windows 10 0 Localhost not working after basic installation on WSL 0 Apache in WSL2 dos not work like localhost 24 WSL2 stopped working with error The system cannot find the path specified 1 WSL Stopped working with erro...
主要技术领域: Windows Development 目标受众: This tutorial will show how to install and configure the WSL in Windows 10 and 11, as well as some practical instructions on how to use it. It also shows the best ways to configure Docker in Windows and WSL. Recently updated to make the reader...
We have now released a version of Docker Desktop Edge that allows users of Windows Insider Preview (Win Home 19018 or higher) to use Docker Desktop with WSL 2. If you are trying this out and have issues feel free to drop issues on the for-win Github Repo! Thanks Ben 1 Like arnab...
WSL --install requires elevtation (#7821), similarity score: 0.78 WSL does not allow to install any Linux distributive (#5434), similarity score: 0.78 WSL doesn't appear on Windows features (#10554), similarity score: 0.77 No GUI or icon in WSL under Windows 10 (#4880), similarity scor...
> Does someone have a sharable installation cheat sheet with the details of > steps and service packs to use? > > I have a laptop with VFP 9.0 working just fine but I believe it was > installed before the machine was upgraded to Windows 10. ...
Repeated attempts to install the package yield the same result (even attempted on 2 different machines). Also attempted to install the gitdb dependency itself first, to the same issue. Installing this inside Ubuntu/WSL works without issues: Creating virtualenv gitypython-test-py3.7 in /home/aaro...
This happened to me a couple of times now on windows wsl2. I have an existing project using laravel sail that works on my mac but when I try to make it work on windows running the installation for an existing projecthttps://laravel.com/docs/8.x/sail#installing-composer-dependencies-for...
Problem: attempting to launch Ubuntu on Windows 10 Version 1803 (OS Build 17133.1) fails with "Error: 0x80070005". Repro steps: ubuntu /clean Go to Apps in Setting and remove the Ubutnu app Visithttps://aka.ms/wslstore Install Ubuntu ...