2.Currently Reading:Installing WordPress On Windows Locally With WAMP 3.Install WordPress On Ubuntu Locally With LAMP Wouldn’t it be great if you could install and use WordPress on your PC while coding or testing a new theme or plugin? Of course it would! In this tutorial I’m going to ...
David Lockie June 26, 2009 Web 1 Comment
We generally become WordPress users to create a blog for everyone to see. This can involve the purchasing of a domain name and web hosting. These we treat as black boxes on which the WordPress software is installed, and everything magically works. This is exactly how it should be. Although...
Click on the Wamp icon on the desktop to start the local server. The Wamp icon on the taskbar becomes green. Click it to let the menu appears. Click onlocalhostin the Wamp menu. Click onwordpress. An error message appears, you must specify the full path: http://localhost/wordpress/wp-...
on a client’s web server which was running Windows Server 2008. WordPress requires installations ofMySQLfor the database back-end and the PHP scripting language in order to serve up the WordPress content. On a local Windows machine, I’d probably just use a pre-configured WAMP (Windows, Ap...
Option 2: Identify the php.ini file which contains the PHP directives for your website. In a 64-BIT "wampserver" installation, typically the file to be edited would be "C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.12\phpForApache.ini". Add this line to the file: ...