To set up a new installation of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) that is used in UAV Toolbox Support Package for PX4 Autopilots, perform these steps. Ensure that your computer's virtualization feature is enabled in the BIOS. It is usually referred as Virtualization Technology, Intel VT-x ...
Remember:InWindows Features, ensure to turn on theWindows Subsystem for Linuxoption. After installation has successfully completed, launch Ubuntu 18.04. Install additionaldistropackages required forNios® IIEDS using the following commands: sudo apt update ...
在安装WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)时遇到“wslregisterdistribution failed with error: 0x80370102”错误,通常表明存在一些配置问题。下面是对该错误的详细解释、可能的原因、解决方法以及一些后续步骤的建议。 错误代码0x80370102的含义 错误代码0x80370102通常指示Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 所需的虚拟化支持...
Actual Behavior An error message is reported when installing Windows Subsystem for Linux Error message when installing using the admin command prompt: Catastrophic failure When installed using an msi file (file source: Release 2.1.5 · microsoft/WSL · GitHub) error message indicating that the msix ...
第一个错误,安装好Ubuntu 16.04 打开之后出现以下提示: Installing, this may take a few minutes. WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x8007019e The Windows Subsystem for Linux...
The Windows Subsystem for Linux optional corrponent is not enabled. See details. Press any key to continue. Please enable it and try again. 解决办法如下 控制面板–程序与功能–启动或关闭Windows功能勾选适用于Linux的Windows子系统,重启即可 ...
The Windows Subsystem for Linux optional corrponent is not enabled. See for details. Press any key to continue. Please enable it and try again. 解决办法如下 控制面板–程序与功能–启动或关闭Windows功能勾选适用于Linux的Windows子系统,重启即可 ...
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.1335] WSL Version WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version No response Distro Version No response Other Software No response Repro Steps Not able to install wsl on my Windows machine. Doing install I get following: wsl --install Installing: Windows Subsystem for Linux Err...
Hi, I was trying to isntall linux subsystem through powershell, and when I tried to use "Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName VirtualMachinePlatform" command, I get a following error,Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : Feature name VirtualMachinePlatform is unknown....
Describe the bug I get an error when installing the engine on my Linux subsystem in Windows. Running command git rev-parse HEAD 7867296920d055539aec295c0c41d06a4309b876 Resolved to commit 7867296...