4.3.7 Wazuh MSI Agent Packages Windows 11 Pro Hello team, I found the following error installing the Wazuh agent in the aforementioned version on a Windows 11 Pro: The installation method tried was using the command line with administration permissions. Also, clicking on the package with the ad...
HP-UXPermalink to this headline The Wazuh agent is available for HP-UX, and can be installed via package or sources: Type Description From package Install Wazuh agent for HPU-UX via package. From sources Install Wazuh agent for HPU-UX via sources....
HP-UXPermalink to this headline The Wazuh agent is available for HP-UX, and can be installed via package: Type Description From package Install Wazuh agent for HPU-UX via package. AIX from packageHP-UX from package