编辑/etc/wsl.conf文件,然后编辑内容: [user] default= 你的用户名 总结 到这里基本上 WSL 会进入比较好用的状态。在这之后的设置,就是Vim 的设置(可以参考这篇文章) 和 VScode 的设置(可以参考这篇文章) 联系邮箱。邮箱已到剪贴板
Please set "remote.WSL.debug": true and make sure you have the version 0.58.1 of Remote-WSL )ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl@0.58.1) (requires VSCode 1.58 insiders). This will turn on log=trace also for the server.Author SturmB commented Jun 14, 2021 I'm not entirely sure what you m...
(duckdb_penv) frank@ZZHPC:/mnt/d/ZZHUBT/workspace$ When I install plotly in a Python venv virtual environment on a Ubuntu virutal machine, it took seconds to complete.
VS Code Version:f1a4fb1is the new one that most recently got installed OS Version: WSL The issue is that the updater deletes the old version of vscode before downloading the new one. The order should be reversed, in case the next attempted use of vscode occurs while the user is in tra...
Open the terminal and install WSL2 distro :wsl --install. During installation, enter a unix user with a password. Remember this password, you'll need it later! Restart Windows Terminal and open a newUbuntuterminal. Each subsequent CLI usage on Windows will be from this Ubuntu terminal. ...
➡️Install Kali Linux on WSL 2 ➡️Install Kali Linux on a Laptop ➡️Install VSCode on Kali Linux ➡️Install OpenVAS on Kali Linux ➡️Install Docker on Kali Linux ➡️WiFi Adapter for Kali Linux Step 1 – Changing the Keyboard Layout ...
If you’re on Windows, make sure you’ve downloaded the version of Code::Blocks WITH MinGW. It’s the one with “mingw” in the name. Try going to settings, compiler, and choose “reset to defaults”. Try going to settings, compiler, toolchain executables tab, and make sure “Compiler...
on Aug 29, 2023·edited byMichalPavlik Edits Member I tired to runcode .from my WSL terminal. It caused VS Code Server installation. Then I installed C# DevKit extension to check if .NET will be installed. I found runnable .NET inhome/<username>/.vscode-server/data/User/globalStorage/ms...
OS: Windows 10.0.19043 Build 19043 VSCode version: 1.72.2 CodeLLDB version: 1.8.1 Compiler: gcc When I install the extension in a WSL remote window and reload, this pops up and is endlessly stuck. Installing it in a normal window seems t...
Same, the penguin disappeared, and last week it was there. I didn't install or remove any distors, I was just using VSCode. WSL version: Kernel version: WSLg version: 1.0.65 MSRDC version: 1.2.5620 Direct3D version: 1.611.1-81528511 ...